public class BBjGridExWidget extends BBjWidget implements GxColumnsManagerInterface
The Grid Core Class.This class works as a columns manager and api provider. It contains a big number of methods and properties to configure the column from A..Z. Every property and method has one or more tag attached.
The following is the meaning for each tag :
Enterprise | The property/method is used only with the enterprise version. using it without having a valid license will be ignored. |
Configuration | Properties and methods which are tagged with this tag are used to configure the grid before it is rendered on the client. Changing these properties or calling these methods won't affect the grid which is displayed on the client. In order to reflect your changes on the client, you need to re-render the whole grid or re-render the column definition once again. |
API | Methods/properties tagged with this tag can be called before or after the grid is rendered on the client and they don't require a refresh. |
ColumnsRenderer | Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require columns re-render using updateColumns() method |
GridRenderer | Changing this property or calling this method after the first render require full re-render using render() method |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
GxColumnsManager | ColumnsManager! Columns Manager instance |
static BBjNumber | Debug! When true the grid will use the unmingled version of the Javascript code then open the debugger in a new window. |
GxExecutor | Executor! Instance of he scripts executor |
static BBjNumber | ForceCommunityBuild! When true, the grid will force using the community version of the grid whether there is a license key or not. |
BBjHtmlView | HTMLView! Instance of the created HTMLView |
Boolean | IsReady! A flag which defines when the grid is ready and the process events started |
static BBjString | LicenseKey$ The Grid enterprise key |
GxOptions | Options! Instance of the grid options class |
BBjString | RowNodeId$ The unique string to use as row index. default is __ROW_INDEX |
ResultSet | RS! The ResultSet instance |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void | addAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!) Align the current grid with the passed one Aligning two or more grids means columns will be kept aligned in all grids. In other words, column changes to one grid (column width, column order, column visibility etc) are reflected in the other grid. This is useful if you have two grids, one above the other such that their columns are vertically aligned, and you want to keep the columns aligned. |
void | addChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!) Enable a chart toolbar item
GxColumn | addColumn(GxColumn definition!) Add new column definition
GxColumn | addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!) Add new column definition
GxColumn | addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!) Add new column definition
GxColumn | addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!) Add new column definition
GxColumn | addColumn(BBjString field!) Add new column definition
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!) Add column group
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(BBjString id!) Add column group
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!) Add column group
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!, BBjString headerClass! ) Add column group
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!) Group Vector of Columns
GxColumnGroup | addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!) Group Vector of Columns
void | addPivotColumns(BBjString columns!) Enable pivot for columns
BBjString | addRangeChart(GxClientAddRangeChartModel model!) Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts
GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel | addRangeSelection(GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel model!) Add new range selection
GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel | addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjString start!, BBjString end!) Add new range selection
GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel | addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber start!, BBjNumber end!) Add new range selection
GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel | addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!) Add new range selection
GxClientTransactionModel | addRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) Add new row
GxClientTransactionModel | addRow(DataRow row!) Add new row at the beginning of the grid
void | addRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) Enable row grouping for columns
void | addStyle(BBjString selector$, JsonObject rules! ) Add Style block
void | addStyle(BBjString selector$, BBjString rules! ) Add Style block
void | addValueColumns(BBjString columns!) Enable value for columns
void | autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!) looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!) looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!) looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!) looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | autoSizeColumns(BBjNumber skipHeader!) looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | autoSizeColumns() looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen. Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
void | buildColumnsFromResultSet(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber addAll!) Build the column definitions from the passed ResultSet |
static BBjString | CHART_TOOLBAR_DATA() Constant value which defines that chart toolbar data item |
static BBjString | CHART_TOOLBAR_DOWNLOAD() Constant value which defines that chart toolbar download item |
static BBjString | CHART_TOOLBAR_FORMAT() Constant value which defines that chart toolbar format item |
static BBjString | CHART_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS() Constant value which defines that chart toolbar settings item |
void | clearCallback(int type!) Remove callback |
void | clearChart(BBjString id!) Clear already created chart by its id
void | clearChart() Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts
void | clearColumnDefinitions() Alias for resetAllColumns()
void | clearData() Clear row data (Empty the grid )
void | clearFilters() Clear all active filters on columns
void | clearRangeSelection() Clears the selected range.
void | clearRowsData() Clear row data (Empty the grid )
void | collapseAll() collapse all groups
void | deselectAll() deselect all rows
void | deselectAll(BBjNumber x!) deselect all rows
void | destroy() Destroy the grid |
void | ensureColumnVisible(BBjString columnId!) Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.
void | ensureIndexVisible(BBjString key!, BBjString position!) Ensures the row key is visible by vertically scrolling the grid Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
void | ensureIndexVisible(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!) Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
void | executeFilterTransaction(LinkedHashMap transaction!) Set and apply a filter transaction The transaction is a
Object | executeScript(BBjString script$) Execute a javascript code on the client. Note that if the grid is not ready yet , then script will queued until the grid is ready then send to the client. If some reason you do not want this behavior , then use the executeScript method from the created internal HTML View |
void | executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!, BBjNumber batchUpdate!) Execute a bulk update on the grid The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update. The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted. Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost. All row and range selection will be kept. Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.
void | executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!) Execute a bulk update on the grid The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update. The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted. Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost. All row and range selection will be kept. Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.
void | expandAll() Expand all groups
void | focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!) Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
void | focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!) Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
void | focus(BBjString row!) Set the focus on the given row id and the first column
void | focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!) Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
void | focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!) Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
void | focus(BBjNumber row!) Set the focus on the given row id and the first column
void | focus() Will set the focus on the first cell of the first row. In case the grid has already a different selected cell , the the method will retain this information.
JsonObject | getAsJsonObject() Build the grid json configuration object |
JsonObject | getClientContext() Get the grid's client context |
GxClientJsonFactory | getClientJsonFactory() Get instance of GxClientJsonFactory |
GxColumn | getColumn(BBjString field!) Get the column definition instance
GxColumnGroup | getColumnGroup(BBjString id!) Get the column group definition instance
GxState | getColumnState() Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state
GxContextMenu | getContextMenu() Get the grid default context menu |
int | getControlType() Get the unique control type |
GxClientFilterCombinedModel | getFilterAsCombinedModel(BBjString column!) Get The combined filter model for the given column This method will return a In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty combined filter model for the column.
GxClientFilterModel | getFilterModel(BBjString column!) Get The filter model for the given column This method will return a In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty filter model for the column.
static BBjString | getImageData(BBjString filename!) Alias for imageToBase64() |
static BBjNumber | getInstanceCount() Return the number of initiated instances of the grid |
GxLanguageManager | getLanguageManager() Get the language manager instance |
ResultSet | getPinnedBottomRows() Get the pinned bottom rows as defined in the grid options |
BBjNumber | getPinnedBottomRowsCount() Get the count of pinned rows on bottom |
ResultSet | getPinnedTopRows() Get the pinned top rows as defined in the grid options |
BBjNumber | getPinnedTopRowsCount() Get the count of pinned rows on top |
BBjNumber | getPivotMode() Check if pivot mode is enabled or disabled
BBjVector | getRangeSelections() The method will return a vector of the selected ranges including columns and rows
BBjString | getRootId() Get the root id of the grid The root id is a unique & auto-generated id for the grid instance. This id is used in the client to distinguish the grid instances |
GxClientRowModel | getRow(BBjString key!) Returns the row with the given key from the grid. Note : if you only need to get the row and you don't care about other meta data like parent(when grouping) , isSelected, ... then use the ResultSet API (ex ResultSet.getItem(BBjString key!) ) |
BBjVector | getRows(BBjString phase!, BBjString filterExpression!) Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression. Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI |
BBjVector | getRows(BBjString phase!, GxExpressionInterface filterExpression!) Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression. Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI |
BBjVector | getRows(BBjString phase!) Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression. Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI |
BBjVector | getRows() Get the rows from grid after sorting and filtering |
GxClientRowModel | getSelectedRow() Get the current selected row
BBjVector | getSelectedRows() Get Array of selected rows
GxSidebar | getSidebar() Get the grid sidebar instance |
GxState | getState() Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state
GxStatusBar | getStatusbar() Get the grid statusbar instance |
BBjVector | getThemes() Get the grid supported themes
static BBjNumber | GRID_ALIGN_CENTER() Constant value to define centered column |
static BBjNumber | GRID_ALIGN_LEFT() Constant value to define left aligned column |
static BBjNumber | GRID_ALIGN_RIGHT() Constant value to define right aligned column |
static BBjString | GRID_EDITTYPE_CELL() Constant value to define editing mode "cell" |
static BBjString | GRID_EDITTYPE_ROW() Constant value to define editing mode "row" |
static BBjString | GRID_ENTER_NEXT_CELL() Constant value to define enter key behavior (Move to next cell) |
static BBjString | GRID_ENTER_STOP_EDITING() Constant value to define enter key behavior (Stop editing) |
static BBjString | GRID_FLOATING_BOTTOM() Constant value which defines the rows floating on bottom |
static BBjString | GRID_FLOATING_NONE() Constant value which defines the rows with no floating |
static BBjString | GRID_FLOATING_TOP() Constant value which defines the rows floating on top |
static BBjString | GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_HIDDEN() Constant value which defines that group panel must always be hidden |
static BBjString | GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_ONGROUPING() Constant value which defines that group panel must be shown only when grouping |
static BBjString | GRID_GROUPPANEL_SHOW_VISIBLE() Constant value which defines that group panel must always be shown |
static BBjString | GRID_NAVIGATION_BEHAVIOUR_NEXT_CELL() Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next cell) |
static BBjString | GRID_NAVIGATION_BEHAVIOUR_NEXT_ROW() Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next row) |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWPOS_BOTTOM() Constant value to define row position |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWPOS_MIDDLE() Constant value to define row position |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWPOS_TOP() Constant value to define row position |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWS_PHASE_AFTER_FILTER() Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering phase. |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWS_PHASE_AFTER_FILTER_SORT() Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering and sorting phase. |
static BBjString | GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL() Constant value which describes the rows in before sorting and filtering phase. |
static BBjString | GRID_THEME_ALPINE() Constant value which defines the alpine theme |
static BBjString | GRID_THEME_ALPINE_DARK() Constant value which defines the alpine dark theme |
static BBjString | GRID_THEME_BALHAM() Constant value which defines that balham theme |
static BBjString | GRID_THEME_BALHAM_DARK() Constant value which defines that balham dark theme |
static BBjString | GRID_THEME_MATERIAL() Constant value which defines the material theme |
BBjNumber | hasColumn(BBjString field!) Check if the column definition exists
BBjNumber | hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!) Check if the column group definition exists
void | hideOverlay() Clear all overlays
static BBjString | imageToBase64(BBjString filename!) Convert the image at the given path to base64 string |
void | includeClientRowDataInRowModels(BBjNumber include!) Sync the client row data every time a new GxClientRowModel is composed by the grid. Use this method if the row's data in the client is different that the row's data in the ResultSet |
void | injectScript(BBjString script!) Inject a js Script at the top window. If for some reason you want to inject a script in the iframe , then use the injectScript method from the created internal HTML View. |
static BBjNumber | isLicensed() The method will check whether the grid has license key or not. |
static BBjString | makeHexColor(BBjColor color!) Make Hex Color Convert the given BBjColor to a hex color string |
void | moveColumn(BBjString Field$, BBjNumber toIndex!) Change column position
void | moveToNextCell() Start Next Cell Editing
void | moveToPreviousCell() Move to previous cell
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_CELL_CLICK() Constant value to define cell click event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICK() Constant value to define cell double-click event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STARTED() Constant value to define cell editing start event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STOPPED() Constant value to define cell editing stop event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_CELL_VALUE_CHANGED() Constant value to define cell value changed event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_FILTER_CHANGED() Constant value to define A filter changed event. |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_KEYPRESS() Constant value to define keyboard keypress |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_RANGE_SELECTION_CHANGED() Constant value to define range selection event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_READY() Constant value to define the grid ready event. |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_CLICK() Constant value to define row click events |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICK() Constant value to define row double-click event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STARTED() Constant value to define row editing start event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED() Constant value to define row editing stop event |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_SELECT() Alias for ON_GRID_SELECT_ROW |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED() Constant value to define A row has changed. This event corresponds to Full Row Editing only. |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_SELECT_ROW() A Constant value to define row selection (selected/deselected) change events |
static BBjNumber | ON_GRID_STATE_CHANGE() Constant value to define grid state changes |
void | onGainedFocus(BBjGainedFocusEvent ev!) Focus the grid by selecting the cell in the first cell and first column. Note: If the grid has already a different selected cell , then the event handler will retain the selection |
void | onInit(BBjEvent ev!) An Event listener executed after the initial load of the HTML View. At this phase the grid will inject all required js files in the client to make the grid functional. |
void | onLoaded(BBjEvent ev!) An Event listener executed after the second ON_PAGE_LOADED event At this phase the grid flush all enqueued scripts |
void | onLoadedByTimer(BBjEvent ev!) An Event listener for the fallback by timer Sporadically the ON_PAGE_LOADED event did not fire |
void | onNativeEvent(BBjNativeJavaScriptEvent ev!) On NativeEvent Event Handler for Native JavaScript Event coming from the client Determines and dispatches the actual event |
void | pinColumn(BBjString field$, BBjString pin$) Pin a column of the grid to the left or the right margin
void | preferAsyncExecution(BBjNumber enable!) When true then the executor will try to executes the JavaScript in the BBjHtmlView and returns immediately without waiting for a return value from the client. Enabling this option might boost the performance of the grid. |
void | redraw(Boolean f_init!) @Override This method is called whenever the widget needs to be rendered |
void | redrawRows() Gets the grid to remove a row from the DOM and recreate it again from scratch. |
void | removeAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!) Disable the current grid alignment with the passed one |
void | removeChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!) Disable a chart toolbar item
GxColumn | removeColumn(BBjString field!) Remove a column definition
GxColumnGroup | removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!) Remove a column group definition
void | removePivotColumns(BBjString columns!) Disable pivot for columns.
GxClientTransactionModel | removeRow(DataRow row!) Remove a row from grid by the row reference
GxClientTransactionModel | removeRow(BBjNumber index!) Remove a row from grid by index
GxClientTransactionModel | removeRow(BBjString key!) Remove a row from grid by key
void | removeRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) Disable row grouping for columns.
Boolean | removeStyle(BBjString selector$) Remove Style Block
void | removeValueColumns(BBjString columns!) Disable value for columns.
void | render() Render the grid The method will compose the grid config and send it to the client for a full re-render. You can use this method to force the client render after you update a setup configuration (ex: column definitions) |
void | resetAllColumns() Clear all columns and column groups
void | resetRowHeights() Reset The row heights.
The rows height is calculated once when the data is first given to the grid. If the data changes, or the width of a column changes, then you may require the grid to calculate the height again by calling this method |
void | selectAll() select all rows
void | selectAll(BBjNumber x!) select all rows
void | setCallback(int type!, String callback!) Register an event handler |
void | setCallback(int type!, CustomObject instance!, String method!) Register an event handler |
void | setColumnAggFunc(BBjString field!, BBjString AggFunc!) Set an aggregation function for the passed column field
void | setColumnAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!) Sets the default alignment for a column
void | setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!) Sets the background color of a column
void | setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!) Sets the background color of a column
void | setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!) Sets the foreground color for a column
void | setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!) Sets the foreground color for a column
void | setColumnHeaderAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!) Sets the default alignment for a column's header
void | setColumnImageList(BBjString field!, BBjImage imagelist!) Set an image list for a given column using GxRendererImageRenderer.
Note: This method will override the CellRenderer of the column. The column has to contain the values "1", "2", "3" to x to reference the slices in the BBjImage list |
void | setColumnMask(BBjString field!, BBjString mask!) Set the mask of a column using value formatter expression.
Note: This method will override the ValueFormatterExpression of the column.The method depends on the column type to determine the correct value formatter (number, date, ...) |
void | setColumnState(GxState state!) Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state
void | setColumnVisible(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber hidden!) Sets the visibility of column(s) |
void | setColumnVisible(GxColumn column!, BBjNumber hidden!) Sets the visibility of a column |
void | setColumnWidth(BBjString field$, BBjNumber width!) Sets the width of a column
Note: Unlike setting the width in the column definition, this method will update a column width without a full re-render. |
void | setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber addAll!, BBjString indexdBy$) Feed the grid with data |
void | setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber all!) Feed the grid with data The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client |
void | setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!) Feed the grid with data The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client |
void | setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjString indexdBy$) Feed the grid with data |
void | setData(ResultSet rs!) Feed the grid with data The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client |
static void | setDebug(BBjNumber debug!, BBjNumber port!) Enable remote debugging on the given port |
static void | setDebug(BBjNumber debug!) Enable remote debugging on the 9222 port |
GxClientFilterModel | setFilterModel(BBjString column!, GxClientFilterModel model!) Set and apply filter model for the given column |
void | setFitToGrid() Make the currently visible columns fit the screen. The columns will scale (growing or shrinking) to fit the available width. If you don't want a particular column to be included in the auto resize, then set the column setting SuppressSizeToFit=true. This is helpful if, for example, you want the first column to remain fixed with, but all other columns to fill the width of the table.
void | setFitToGrid(BBjNumber width!) Gets the grid to size the columns to the specified with
void | setFunctionsReadOnly(BBjNumber readonly!) If true, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read only from the Ui. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the use to change the selection
void | setPinnedBottomRows(ResultSet rs!) Set a result set of pinned rows on bottom |
void | setPinnedTopRows(ResultSet rs!) Set a result set of pinned rows on top |
void | setPivotColumns(BBjString columns!) Disable pivot for all columns and enable it for the passed columns
void | setPivotMode(BBjNumber mode!) Enable / disable pivot mode
void | setQuickFilter(BBjString filter!) Perform throw columns search
void | setQuickFilter(BBjNumber filter!) Perform throw columns search
GxClientTransactionModel | setRowData(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) Update row data
GxClientTransactionModel | setRowData(DataRow row!) Update row data
void | setRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!) Disable row grouping for all columns and enable it for the passed columns
void | setRowHeight(BBjNumber height!) Set all rows height
void | setRowHeight(BBjString key!, BBjNumber height!) Set the given row height
void | setRowHeight(BBjNumber index!, BBjNumber height!) Set the given row height
void | setRowsData(ResultSet rs!) Feed the grid with a new ResultSet Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case. Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.
void | setSelectedRow(BBjNumber index!) Select a row by its index
void | setSelectedRow(BBjString key!) Select a row by its key
void | setSelectedRows(BBjVector x!) Select a vector of rows. The vector can contain a mix of row indices and row keys
void | setSize(BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h!) setSize - set the size of the control
void | setSortModel(GxClientSortModel model!) Set a sorting for one or more columns
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!) Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
void | setState(GxState state!) Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state
void | setTheme(BBjString theme$) Set the grid theme
void | setVisibleColumn(BBjString columnId!) Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.
void | setVisibleRow(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!) Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
void | showLoadingOverlay() Show loading overlay
void | showNoRowsOverlay() Show 'no rows' overlay
void | sortColumn(BBjString column!, BBjString direction!) Sort the given column with the given direction
void | startNextCellEditing() Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.
void | startPreviousCellEditing() Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.
void | stopEditing() Stop editing and accepts changes
void | stopEditing(BBjNumber cancel!) Stop Editing
void | suppressBuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView. Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI context By default this options is set to "0" |
void | suppressDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) Suppress scripts debouncing for GUI and BUI |
void | suppressGuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView. Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in GUI context By default this options is set to "1" |
void | suppressWebDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!) When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView. Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI & DWC context By default this options is set to "0" |
void | tabToNextCell() Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.
void | tabToPreviousCell() Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.
void | updateColumns() Re-render the column definitions on the client.
The method will collect the new changes in columns and column groups and force the client to reflect the change. |
void | updateContext() Force the context object update |
void | updateData(ResultSet rs!) Feed the grid with a new ResultSet Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case. Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.
GxClientTransactionModel | updateRow(DataRow row!) Update row data
GxClientTransactionModel | updateRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) Update row data
public GxColumnsManager ColumnsManager!
Columns Manager instance
public static BBjNumber Debug!
When true the grid will use the unmingled version of the Javascript code then open the debugger in a new window.
public GxExecutor Executor!
Instance of he scripts executor
public static BBjNumber ForceCommunityBuild!
When true, the grid will force using the community version of the grid whether there is a license key or not.
public BBjHtmlView HTMLView!
Instance of the created HTMLView
public Boolean IsReady!
A flag which defines when the grid is ready and the process events started
public static BBjString LicenseKey$
The Grid enterprise key
public GxOptions Options!
Instance of the grid options class
public BBjString RowNodeId$
The unique string to use as row index. default is __ROW_INDEX
public ResultSet RS!
The ResultSet instance
public BBjGridExWidget()
disabled default constructor
public BBjGridExWidget(BBjChildWindow wnd!)
The constructor that creates the widget in the ChildWindow
wnd!: the child window in which to create the BBjGridExWidgetpublic BBjGridExWidget(BBjChildWindow wnd!, BBjString template$)
The constructor that creates the widget in the ChildWindow
wnd!: the child window in which to create the BBjGridExWidgetBBjString
template$ The client's HTML template to use in order to build the grid. By default you will never need to change the default Template. Unless you want to do something really unusualpublic BBjGridExWidget(BBjWindow wnd!, BBjNumber id!, BBjNumber x!, BBjNumber y!, BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h!)
The constructor that creates the widget on wnd!
wnd!! parent windowBBjNumber
id! the control IDBBjNumber
x! x-locationBBjNumber
y! y-locationBBjNumber
w! widthBBjNumber
h! heightpublic BBjGridExWidget(BBjWindow wnd!, BBjNumber id!, BBjNumber x!, BBjNumber y!, BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h! , BBjString template$)
The constructor that creates the widget on wnd!
wnd!! parent windowBBjNumber
id! the control IDBBjNumber
x! x-locationBBjNumber
y! y-locationBBjNumber
w! widthBBjNumber
h! heightBBjString
template$ The client's HTML template to use in order to build the grid. By default you will never need to change the default Template. Unless you want to do something really unusualpublic void addAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!)
Align the current grid with the passed one
Aligning two or more grids means columns will be kept aligned in all grids. In other words, column changes to one grid (column width, column order, column visibility etc) are reflected in the other grid. This is useful if you have two grids, one above the other such that their columns are vertically aligned, and you want to keep the columns aligned.
widget!public void addChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!)
Enable a chart toolbar item
public GxColumn addColumn(GxColumn definition!)
Add new column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumn addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjNumber type!)
Add new column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumn addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!)
Add new column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumn addColumn(BBjString field!, BBjString label!, BBjNumber type!)
Add new column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumn addColumn(BBjString field!)
Add new column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(GxColumnGroup definition!)
Add column group
id! The group idBBjString
label! The group labelpublic GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(BBjString id!)
Add column group
id! The group idBBjString
label! The group labelpublic GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!)
Add column group
id! The group idBBjString
label! The group labelpublic GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!, BBjString headerClass! )
Add column group
id! The group idBBjString
label! The group label/nameBBjVector
columns! Vector of columns ids/fields to useBBjNumber
marryChildren! Set to 'true' to keep columns in this group beside each other in the grid. Moving the columns outside of the group (and hence breaking the group) is not allowed.BBjString
headerClass! A CSS class to applypublic GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!, BBjNumber marryChildren!)
Group Vector of Columns
id! The group idBBjString
label! The group label/nameBBjVector
columns! Vector of columns ids/fields to useBBjNumber
marryChildren! Set to 'true' to keep columns in this group beside each other in the grid. Moving the columns outside of the group (and hence breaking the group) is not allowed.public GxColumnGroup addColumnGroup(BBjString id!, BBjString label!, BBjVector columns!)
Group Vector of Columns
id! The group idBBjString
name! The group label/nameBBjVector
columns! Vector of columns ids/fields to usepublic void addPivotColumns(BBjString columns!)
Enable pivot for columns
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic BBjString addRangeChart(GxClientAddRangeChartModel model!)
Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts
model! the add range modelpublic GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel addRangeSelection(GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel model!)
Add new range selection
model! the add selection modelpublic GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjString start!, BBjString end!)
Add new range selection
columns! columns as comma separated string (ex: CDNUMBER, COST)BBjString
start! start row id or indexBBjString
end! end row id or indexpublic GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber start!, BBjNumber end!)
Add new range selection
columns! columns as comma separated string (ex: CDNUMBER, COST)BBjNumber
start! start row id or indexBBjNumber
end! end row id or indexpublic GxClientAddRangeSelectionModel addRangeSelection(BBjString columns!)
Add new range selection
columns! columns as comma separated string (ex: CDNUMBER, COST)public GxClientTransactionModel addRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!)
Add new row
index! The insert indexDataRow
row! DataRow object which contains the updatepublic GxClientTransactionModel addRow(DataRow row!)
Add new row at the beginning of the grid
row! The DataRow object which contains the updatepublic void addRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!)
Enable row grouping for columns
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic void addStyle(BBjString selector$, JsonObject rules! )
Add Style block
: Css Selectorrules!
: Css Rules object as json objectpublic void addStyle(BBjString selector$, BBjString rules! )
Add Style block
: Css Selectorrules!
: Css Rules object as stringpublic void addValueColumns(BBjString columns!)
Enable value for columns
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic void autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!)
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
columns! A set of columns to auto sizeBBjNumber
skipHeader! indicate that the header content (headerName) should not be considered when calculating the width of the column. You can also set this behavior to be the default by setting SkipHeaderOnAutoSize: true in the grid options.public void autoSizeColumns(HashSet columns!)
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
columns! A set of columns to auto sizepublic void autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber skipHeader!)
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
columns! A common separated list of columns to auto sizeBBjNumber
skipHeader! indicate that the header content (headerName) should not be considered when calculating the width of the column. You can also set this behavior to be the default by setting SkipHeaderOnAutoSize: true in the grid options.public void autoSizeColumns(BBjString columns!)
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
columns! A comma separated list of columns to auto sizepublic void autoSizeColumns(BBjNumber skipHeader!)
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
skipHeader! indicate that the header content (headerName) should not be considered when calculating the width of the column. You can also set this behavior to be the default by setting SkipHeaderOnAutoSize: true in the grid options.public void autoSizeColumns()
looks at the rendered cells on the screen, and works out the width based on what it sees. It cannot see the columns that are not rendered due to column virtualisation. Thus it is not possible to autosize a column that is not visible on the screen.
Column Virtualisation is the technique the grid uses to render large amounts of columns with degrading performance by only rendering columns that are visible due to the horizontal scroll positions. Eg the grid can have 1000 columns with only 10 rendered if the horizontal scroll is only showing 10 columns. To get around this, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting grid options SuppressColumnVirtualisation=true.
public void buildColumnsFromResultSet(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber addAll!)
Build the column definitions from the passed ResultSet
rs! ResultSet with the dataBBjNumber
addAll! When true, We will create a column definition for every column in the ResultSet, otherwise update the existing ones onlypublic static BBjString CHART_TOOLBAR_DATA()
Constant value which defines that chart toolbar data item
public static BBjString CHART_TOOLBAR_DOWNLOAD()
Constant value which defines that chart toolbar download item
public static BBjString CHART_TOOLBAR_FORMAT()
Constant value which defines that chart toolbar format item
public static BBjString CHART_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS()
Constant value which defines that chart toolbar settings item
public void clearCallback(int type!)
Remove callback
type! The event's typepublic void clearChart(BBjString id!)
Clear already created chart by its id
Note that this method does not clear user created charts
id! the chart's id to destroypublic void clearChart()
Clear already created charts. Note that this method does not clear user created charts
public void clearColumnDefinitions()
Alias for resetAllColumns()
public void clearData()
Clear row data (Empty the grid )
public void clearFilters()
Clear all active filters on columns
public void clearRangeSelection()
Clears the selected range.
public void clearRowsData()
Clear row data (Empty the grid )
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.clearRowsData() is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.clearData() instead.
public void collapseAll()
collapse all groups
public void deselectAll()
deselect all rows
public void deselectAll(BBjNumber x!)
deselect all rows
x!: 0 deselect all, 1 deselect all filteredpublic void destroy()
Destroy the grid
public void ensureColumnVisible(BBjString columnId!)
Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.
columnid!: the column idpublic void ensureIndexVisible(BBjString key!, BBjString position!)
Ensures the row key is visible by vertically scrolling the grid
Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
key!: the row keyBBjString
position!: the scrolling position GRID_ROWPOS_TOP()
public void ensureIndexVisible(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!)
Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid
Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
index!: the row indexBBjString
position!: the scrolling position GRID_ROWPOS_TOP()
public void executeFilterTransaction(LinkedHashMap transaction!)
Set and apply a filter transaction
The transaction is a LinkedHashMap
of columns and their models.
This the fastest way to apply several filters on several columns.
When using this method The grid will delay executing the filters on the data
until all models are set and ready.
transaction! a map of columns and their modelpublic Object executeScript(BBjString script$)
Execute a javascript code on the client.
Note that if the grid is not ready yet , then script will queued until the grid is ready then send to the client. If some reason you do not want this behavior , then use the executeScript method from the created internal HTML View
script$ The javascript code BBjHtmlView::executeScript
public void executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!, BBjNumber batchUpdate!)
Execute a bulk update on the grid
The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update.
The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted.
Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost.
All row and range selection will be kept.
Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.
batchUpdate! when true then execute the update, along with any other updates you subsequently providepublic void executeUpdateTransaction(GxClientTransactionModel transaction!)
Execute a bulk update on the grid
The transaction method is to pass a transaction object to the grid containing rows to add, remove and update.
The grid keeps all active sorting, grouping and filtering, including updating to reflect the changes in the data should the sorting, grouping or filtering be impacted.
Updating using transactions is the best way to do large updates to the grid, as the grid treats them as delta changes, so the grid only refreshes what is needed giving a performance boost.
All row and range selection will be kept.
Note that all update done on the grid will reflected also on the ResultSet instance which is the grid is using.
transaction!public void expandAll()
Expand all groups
public void focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
row! The row idBBjString
column! The column idBBjString
floating! The row floating (top , bottom or none) BBjGridExWidget.GRID_FLOATING_NONE()
public void focus(BBjString row!, BBjString column!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
row! The row idBBjString
column! The column idpublic void focus(BBjString row!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the first column
row! The row idpublic void focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!, BBjString floating!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
row! The row idBBjString
column! The column idBBjString
floating! The row floating BBjGridExWidget.GRID_FLOATING_NONE()
public void focus(BBjNumber row!, BBjString column!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the given column
row! The row idBBjString
column! The column idpublic void focus(BBjNumber row!)
Set the focus on the given row id and the first column
row! The row idpublic void focus()
Will set the focus on the first cell of the first row. In case the grid has already a different selected cell , the the method will retain this information.
public JsonObject getAsJsonObject()
Build the grid json configuration object
public JsonObject getClientContext()
Get the grid's client context
public GxClientJsonFactory getClientJsonFactory()
Get instance of GxClientJsonFactory
public GxColumn getColumn(BBjString field!)
Get the column definition instance
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumnGroup getColumnGroup(BBjString id!)
Get the column group definition instance
id! The column group definition idpublic GxState getColumnState()
Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.getColumnState() is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.getState() instead.
public GxContextMenu getContextMenu()
Get the grid default context menu
public int getControlType()
Get the unique control type
public GxClientFilterCombinedModel getFilterAsCombinedModel(BBjString column!)
Get The combined filter model for the given column
This method will return a GxClientFilterCombinedModel
for the given column
If the column has already some filter values set through the UI , then the model will contain
these changes too.
In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty combined filter model for the column.
column! the column id to use for the constructed model 256 in case the column filter does not support the combined model
public GxClientFilterModel getFilterModel(BBjString column!)
Get The filter model for the given column
This method will return a GxClientFilterModel
for the given column
If column has already some filter values set through the UI , then the model will contain
these changes too.
In case the grid is not ready (not renderer yet) then the method will just return any empty filter model for the column.
column! the column id to use for the constructed model 256 in case the column has no filter component attached
public static BBjString getImageData(BBjString filename!)
Alias for imageToBase64()
public static BBjNumber getInstanceCount()
Return the number of initiated instances of the grid
public GxLanguageManager getLanguageManager()
Get the language manager instance
public ResultSet getPinnedBottomRows()
Get the pinned bottom rows as defined in the grid options
public BBjNumber getPinnedBottomRowsCount()
Get the count of pinned rows on bottom
rows countpublic ResultSet getPinnedTopRows()
Get the pinned top rows as defined in the grid options
public BBjNumber getPinnedTopRowsCount()
Get the count of pinned rows on top
rows countpublic BBjNumber getPivotMode()
Check if pivot mode is enabled or disabled
public BBjVector getRangeSelections()
The method will return a vector of the selected ranges including columns and rows
public BBjString getRootId()
Get the root id of the grid
The root id is a unique & auto-generated id for the grid instance. This id is used in the client to distinguish the grid instances
public GxClientRowModel getRow(BBjString key!)
Returns the row with the given key from the grid.
Note : if you only need to get the row and you don't care about other meta data like parent(when grouping) , isSelected, ... then use the ResultSet API (ex ResultSet.getItem(BBjString key!) )
key! the row's key ResultSet.getItem
public BBjVector getRows(BBjString phase!, BBjString filterExpression!)
Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.
Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI
phase! The rows phaseBBjString
filterExpression! A filter expression to execute before returning the rows. The expression must return true or false for the given row #GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL()
see GxExpression
public BBjVector getRows(BBjString phase!, GxExpressionInterface filterExpression!)
Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.
Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI
phase! The rows phaseGxExpressionInterface
filterExpression! A filter expression to execute before returning the rows. The expression must return true or false for the given row #GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL()
see GxExpression
public BBjVector getRows(BBjString phase!)
Get the rows from grid in the given phase after applying the given filter expression.
Note: if you only need to get the whole rows from the grid and you don't care about filtering and sorting Then retrieve them from ResultSet as this will be faster especially in BUI
phase! The rows phase #GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL()
public BBjVector getRows()
Get the rows from grid after sorting and filtering
public GxClientRowModel getSelectedRow()
Get the current selected row
public BBjVector getSelectedRows()
Get Array of selected rows
public GxSidebar getSidebar()
Get the grid sidebar instance
public GxState getState()
Get the grid's columns , sorting and filtering state
public GxStatusBar getStatusbar()
Get the grid statusbar instance
public BBjVector getThemes()
Get the grid supported themes
public static BBjNumber GRID_ALIGN_CENTER()
Constant value to define centered column
public static BBjNumber GRID_ALIGN_LEFT()
Constant value to define left aligned column
public static BBjNumber GRID_ALIGN_RIGHT()
Constant value to define right aligned column
public static BBjString GRID_EDITTYPE_CELL()
Constant value to define editing mode "cell"
public static BBjString GRID_EDITTYPE_ROW()
Constant value to define editing mode "row"
public static BBjString GRID_ENTER_NEXT_CELL()
Constant value to define enter key behavior (Move to next cell)
public static BBjString GRID_ENTER_STOP_EDITING()
Constant value to define enter key behavior (Stop editing)
public static BBjString GRID_FLOATING_BOTTOM()
Constant value which defines the rows floating on bottom
public static BBjString GRID_FLOATING_NONE()
Constant value which defines the rows with no floating
public static BBjString GRID_FLOATING_TOP()
Constant value which defines the rows floating on top
Constant value which defines that group panel must always be hidden
Constant value which defines that group panel must be shown only when grouping
Constant value which defines that group panel must always be shown
Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next cell)
Constant value to define navigation behavior (Move to next row)
public static BBjString GRID_ROWPOS_BOTTOM()
Constant value to define row position
public static BBjString GRID_ROWPOS_MIDDLE()
Constant value to define row position
public static BBjString GRID_ROWPOS_TOP()
Constant value to define row position
public static BBjString GRID_ROWS_PHASE_AFTER_FILTER()
Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering phase.
Constant value which describes the rows in after filtering and sorting phase.
public static BBjString GRID_ROWS_PHASE_ALL()
Constant value which describes the rows in before sorting and filtering phase.
public static BBjString GRID_THEME_ALPINE()
Constant value which defines the alpine theme
public static BBjString GRID_THEME_ALPINE_DARK()
Constant value which defines the alpine dark theme
public static BBjString GRID_THEME_BALHAM()
Constant value which defines that balham theme
public static BBjString GRID_THEME_BALHAM_DARK()
Constant value which defines that balham dark theme
public static BBjString GRID_THEME_MATERIAL()
Constant value which defines the material theme
public BBjNumber hasColumn(BBjString field!)
Check if the column definition exists
field! The column's definition fieldpublic BBjNumber hasColumnGroup(BBjString id!)
Check if the column group definition exists
id! The column group definition idpublic void hideOverlay()
Clear all overlays
public static BBjString imageToBase64(BBjString filename!)
Convert the image at the given path to base64 string
filename! The image's pathpublic void includeClientRowDataInRowModels(BBjNumber include!)
Sync the client row data every time a new GxClientRowModel is composed by the grid.
Use this method if the row's data in the client is different that the row's data in the ResultSet
include! when true the ClientRow field will always be filled in GxClientRowModel otherwise it will always be null(). public void injectScript(BBjString script!)
Inject a js Script at the top window.
If for some reason you want to inject a script in the iframe , then use the injectScript method from the created internal HTML View.
script! the path for the javascript file BBjHtmlView::injectScript
public static BBjNumber isLicensed()
The method will check whether the grid has license key or not.
public static BBjString makeHexColor(BBjColor color!)
Make Hex Color
Convert the given BBjColor to a hex color string
color! BBj colorpublic void moveColumn(BBjString Field$, BBjNumber toIndex!)
Change column position
field$ The field name of the columnBBjNumber
toIndex! The new column position/indexpublic void moveToNextCell()
Start Next Cell Editing
public void moveToPreviousCell()
Move to previous cell
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_CELL_CLICK()
Constant value to define cell click event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICK()
Constant value to define cell double-click event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STARTED()
Constant value to define cell editing start event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_CELL_EDITING_STOPPED()
Constant value to define cell editing stop event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_CELL_VALUE_CHANGED()
Constant value to define cell value changed event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_COLUMN_STATE_CHANGE()
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_DOUBLE_CLICK()
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_FILTER_CHANGED()
Constant value to define A filter changed event.
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_KEYPRESS()
Constant value to define keyboard keypress
Constant value to define range selection event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_READY()
Constant value to define the grid ready event.
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_CLICK()
Constant value to define row click events
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICK()
Constant value to define row double-click event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STARTED()
Constant value to define row editing start event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED()
Constant value to define row editing stop event
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_SELECT()
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED()
Constant value to define A row has changed. This event corresponds to Full Row Editing only.
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_SELECT_ROW()
A Constant value to define row selection (selected/deselected) change events
public static BBjNumber ON_GRID_STATE_CHANGE()
Constant value to define grid state changes
public void onGainedFocus(BBjGainedFocusEvent ev!)
Focus the grid by selecting the cell in the first cell and first column.
Note: If the grid has already a different selected cell , then the event handler will retain the selection
ev! The focus eventpublic void onInit(BBjEvent ev!)
An Event listener executed after the initial load of the HTML View.
At this phase the grid will inject all required js files in the client to make the grid functional.
ev! The onLoad eventpublic void onLoaded(BBjEvent ev!)
An Event listener executed after the second ON_PAGE_LOADED event
At this phase the grid flush all enqueued scripts
ev! The onLoad eventpublic void onLoadedByTimer(BBjEvent ev!)
An Event listener for the fallback by timer
Sporadically the ON_PAGE_LOADED event did not fire
ev! The onLoad eventpublic void onNativeEvent(BBjNativeJavaScriptEvent ev!)
On NativeEvent
Event Handler for Native JavaScript Event coming from the client Determines and dispatches the actual event
ev! The Javascript Eventpublic void pinColumn(BBjString field$, BBjString pin$)
Pin a column of the grid to the left or the right margin
field$ The field name of the columnBBjString
pin$ The pin direction ("right" or "left") GxColumn.PINNED_LEFT()
public void preferAsyncExecution(BBjNumber enable!)
When true then the executor will try to executes the JavaScript in the BBjHtmlView and returns immediately without waiting for a return value from the client.
Enabling this option might boost the performance of the grid.
enable! true to enable , false to disablepublic void redraw(Boolean f_init!)
This method is called whenever the widget needs to be rendered
f_init! if TRUE then the control is rendered for the first time so this method has to perform initial renderingpublic void redrawRows()
Gets the grid to remove a row from the DOM and recreate it again from scratch.
public void removeAlignedGrid(BBjGridExWidget widget!)
Disable the current grid alignment with the passed one
widget!public void removeChartToolbarItem(BBjString item!)
Disable a chart toolbar item
public GxColumn removeColumn(BBjString field!)
Remove a column definition
field! The column's definition fieldpublic GxColumnGroup removeColumnGroup(BBjString id!)
Remove a column group definition
id! The column group definition idpublic void removePivotColumns(BBjString columns!)
Disable pivot for columns.
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic GxClientTransactionModel removeRow(DataRow row!)
Remove a row from grid by the row reference
row! The data row object to removepublic GxClientTransactionModel removeRow(BBjNumber index!)
Remove a row from grid by index
index! The row indexpublic GxClientTransactionModel removeRow(BBjString key!)
Remove a row from grid by key
key! The row keypublic void removeRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!)
Disable row grouping for columns.
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic Boolean removeStyle(BBjString selector$)
Remove Style Block
: Css Selectorpublic void removeValueColumns(BBjString columns!)
Disable value for columns.
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic void render()
Render the grid
The method will compose the grid config and send it to the client for a full re-render. You can use this method to force the client render after you update a setup configuration (ex: column definitions)
public void resetAllColumns()
Clear all columns and column groups
public void resetRowHeights()
Reset The row heights.
The rows height is calculated once when the data is first given to the grid. If the data changes, or the width of a column changes, then you may require the grid to calculate the height again by calling this method
public void selectAll()
select all rows
public void selectAll(BBjNumber x!)
select all rows
x!: 0 select all, 1 select all filteredpublic void setCallback(int type!, String callback!)
Register an event handler
type! The event's typeString
callback! The event's callbackpublic void setCallback(int type!, CustomObject instance!, String method!)
Register an event handler
type! The event's typeCustomObject
instance! class instanceString
method! method namepublic void setColumnAggFunc(BBjString field!, BBjString AggFunc!)
Set an aggregation function for the passed column field
field! The column's fieldBBjString
AggFunc! Name of function to use for aggregation. One of [sum, min, max, first, last].public void setColumnAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!)
Sets the default alignment for a column
field! The field name of the column definitionBBjNumber
align! The column alignment valid alignments: GRID_ALIGN_LEFT()
public void setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!)
Sets the background color of a column
field$ The field name of the column definitionBBjColor
color! The color for the columnpublic void setColumnBackColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!)
Sets the background color of a column
field$ The field name of the column definitionBBjColor
color$ Valid CSS color
public void setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjColor color!)
Sets the foreground color for a column
field$ The field name of the column definitionBBjColor
color! the color for the columnpublic void setColumnForeColor(BBjString field$, BBjString color!)
Sets the foreground color for a column
field$ The field name of the column definitionBBjString
color$ Valid CSS color
public void setColumnHeaderAlignment(BBjString field!, BBjNumber align!)
Sets the default alignment for a column's header
field! The field name of the column definitionBBjNumber
align! The column's header alignment valid alignments: GRID_ALIGN_LEFT()
public void setColumnImageList(BBjString field!, BBjImage imagelist!)
Set an image list for a given column using GxRendererImageRenderer.
Note: This method will override the CellRenderer of the column. The column has to contain the values "1", "2", "3" to x to reference the slices in the BBjImage list
field! The column's fieldBBjImage
imagelist! The image list containing the image spritespublic void setColumnMask(BBjString field!, BBjString mask!)
Set the mask of a column using value formatter expression.
Note: This method will override the ValueFormatterExpression of the column.The method depends on the column type to determine the correct value formatter (number, date, ...)
- The column's fieldmask!
- The BBj date string or numeric mask.public void setColumnState(GxState state!)
Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state
state! : the state object since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setColumnState(GxState state!) is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.setState(GxState state!) instead.
public void setColumnVisible(BBjString columns!, BBjNumber hidden!)
Sets the visibility of column(s)
columns! A comma separated list of column ids to hide / showBBjNumber
hidden! True to hide , false to showpublic void setColumnVisible(GxColumn column!, BBjNumber hidden!)
Sets the visibility of a column
column! The column definitionBBjNumber
hidden! True to hide , false to showpublic void setColumnWidth(BBjString field$, BBjNumber width!)
Sets the width of a column
field$ The field name of the column definitionBBjNumber
width! The column widthpublic void setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber addAll!, BBjString indexdBy$)
Feed the grid with data
rs! ResultSet with the dataBBjNumber
render! When true the grid will render directly on the client, otherwise you need to call render() directlyBBjNumber
addAll! When true, We will create a column definition for every column in the ResultSet, otherwise update the existing ones onlyBBjString
indexdBy$ The field used for creating the unique row index render()
public void setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!, BBjNumber all!)
Feed the grid with data
The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client
rs! ResultSet with the dataBBjNumber
render! When true the grid will render directly on the client, otherwise you need to call render() directlyBBjNumber
addAll! When true, We will create a column definition for every column in the ResultSet, otherwise update the existing ones only render()
public void setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjNumber render!)
Feed the grid with data
The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client
rs! ResultSet with the dataBBjNumber
render! When true the grid will render directly on the client, otherwise you need to call render() directly render()
public void setData(ResultSet rs!, BBjString indexdBy$)
Feed the grid with data
rs! ResultSet with the dataBBjString
indexdBy$ The field used for creating the unique row indexpublic void setData(ResultSet rs!)
Feed the grid with data
The method will sync the result set column definitions with the current column definitions , update the data and render the grid on the client
rs! ResultSet with the datapublic static void setDebug(BBjNumber debug!, BBjNumber port!)
Enable remote debugging on the given port
debug! true to enable debug , false otherwiseBBjNumber
port! the debugging portpublic static void setDebug(BBjNumber debug!)
Enable remote debugging on the 9222 port
debug! true to enable debug , false otherwisepublic GxClientFilterModel setFilterModel(BBjString column!, GxClientFilterModel model!)
Set and apply filter model for the given column
column! the column idGxClientFilterModel
model! the model filter to use public void setFitToGrid()
Make the currently visible columns fit the screen.
The columns will scale (growing or shrinking) to fit the available width. If you don't want a particular column to be included in the auto resize, then set the column setting SuppressSizeToFit=true. This is helpful if, for example, you want the first column to remain fixed with, but all other columns to fill the width of the table.
public void setFitToGrid(BBjNumber width!)
Gets the grid to size the columns to the specified with
width! the width to use to fit all columns inpublic void setFunctionsReadOnly(BBjNumber readonly!)
If true, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read only from the Ui. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the use to change the selection
readonly! when true disable, enable otherwisepublic void setPinnedBottomRows(ResultSet rs!)
Set a result set of pinned rows on bottom
rs! A ResultSet instancepublic void setPinnedTopRows(ResultSet rs!)
Set a result set of pinned rows on top
rs! A ResultSet instancepublic void setPivotColumns(BBjString columns!)
Disable pivot for all columns and enable it for the passed columns
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic void setPivotMode(BBjNumber mode!)
Enable / disable pivot mode
mode! when true, the pivot mode will be enabled, disabled otherwisepublic void setQuickFilter(BBjString filter!)
Perform throw columns search
filter filter as numberpublic void setQuickFilter(BBjNumber filter!)
Perform throw columns search
filter! filter as a numberpublic GxClientTransactionModel setRowData(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!)
Update row data
index! The Row indexDataRow
row! DataRow object which contains the update since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setRowData(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) is deprecated. Use BBjGridExWidget.updateRow(DataRow row!) instead. The grid can work out the row index by its own
public GxClientTransactionModel setRowData(DataRow row!)
Update row data
row! DataRow object which contains the update since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setRowData(DataRow row!) is deprecated. Use BBjGridExWidget.updateRow(DataRow row!) instead. The grid can work out the row index by its own
public void setRowGroupColumns(BBjString columns!)
Disable row grouping for all columns and enable it for the passed columns
columns! A comma separated string of column fieldspublic void setRowHeight(BBjNumber height!)
Set all rows height
height! - the new row heightpublic void setRowHeight(BBjString key!, BBjNumber height!)
Set the given row height
key! - the row keyBBjNumber
height! - the new row heightpublic void setRowHeight(BBjNumber index!, BBjNumber height!)
Set the given row height
index! - the row indexBBjNumber
height! - the new row heightpublic void setRowsData(ResultSet rs!)
Feed the grid with a new ResultSet
Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case.
Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.
rs! ResultSet with the data setData()
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setRowsData(ResultSet rs!) is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.updateData(ResultSet rs!) instead.
public void setSelectedRow(BBjNumber index!)
Select a row by its index
x!: the row index to selectpublic void setSelectedRow(BBjString key!)
Select a row by its key
x!: the row key to selectpublic void setSelectedRows(BBjVector x!)
Select a vector of rows. The vector can contain a mix of row indices and row keys
x!: vector of row indices and row keys to selectpublic void setSize(BBjNumber w!, BBjNumber h!)
setSize - set the size of the control
w! - widthBBjNumber
h! - heightpublic void setSortModel(GxClientSortModel model!)
Set a sorting for one or more columns
model! the sorting modelpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
key! The row keyBBjString
column! The column IDBBjNumber
keyPress! The key code to pass to the editor when the editor supports itBBjString
charPress! The key char to pass to the editor when the editor supports itBBjString
floating! The row floating (top , bottom or none) BBjGridExWidget.GRID_FLOATING_NONE()
public void setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!, BBjString charPress!, BBjString floating!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
index! The row indexBBjString
column! The column IDBBjNumber
keyPress! The key code to pass to the editor when the editor supports itBBjString
charPress! The key char to pass to the editor when the editor supports itBBjString
floating! The row floating (top , bottom or none) BBjGridExWidget.GRID_FLOATING_NONE()
public void setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
key! The row keyBBjString
column! The column IDpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
index! The row indexBBjString
column! The column IDpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
key! The row keyBBjString
column! The column IDBBjString
charPress! The key char to pass to the editor when the editor supports itpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjString charPress!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
index! The row indexBBjString
column! The column IDBBjString
charPress! The key char to pass to the editor when the editor supports itpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjString key!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
key! The row keyBBjString
column! The column IDBBjNumber
keyPress! The key code to pass to the editor when the editor supports itpublic void setStartCellEditing(BBjNumber index!, BBjString column!, BBjNumber keyPress!)
Start Cell Editing at the given row and column
index! The row indexBBjString
column! The column IDBBjNumber
keyPress! The key code to pass to the editor when the editor supports itpublic void setState(GxState state!)
Apply the grid's columns , sorbing and filtering state
state! : the state objectpublic void setTheme(BBjString theme$)
Set the grid theme
theme$ getThemes()
public void setVisibleColumn(BBjString columnId!)
Ensures the column is visible, scrolling the table if needed.
columnid!: the column id since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setVisibleColumn(BBjString columnId!) is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.ensureColumnVisible(BBjString columnId!) instead.
public void setVisibleRow(BBjNumber index!, BBjString position!)
Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid
Ensures the row index is visible by vertically scrolling the grid. The valid values for positions are {'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}. If top, middle or bottom, the grid will scroll the row to place the row at top, middle or bottom
index!: the row indexBBjString
position!: the scrolling position GRID_ROWPOS_TOP()
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.setVisibleRow(BBjNumber index! , BBjString position!) is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.ensureIndexVisible(BBjNumber index! , BBjString position!) instead.
public void showLoadingOverlay()
Show loading overlay
public void showNoRowsOverlay()
Show 'no rows' overlay
public void sortColumn(BBjString column!, BBjString direction!)
Sort the given column with the given direction
column! The column idBBjString
direction! The sort direction setSortModel
public void startNextCellEditing()
Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.startNextCellEditing() is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.tabToNextCell() instead.
public void startPreviousCellEditing()
Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.
since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.startPreviousCellEditing() is deprecated / renamed. Use BBjGridExWidget.tabToPreviousCell() instead.
public void stopEditing()
Stop editing and accepts changes
public void stopEditing(BBjNumber cancel!)
Stop Editing
cancel!: 1 = discard changes, 0 = accept changespublic void suppressBuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!)
When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.
Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI context
By default this options is set to "0"
suppress! true to suppress , false to enable Use `setSuppressWebDebouncing` instead
public void suppressDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!)
Suppress scripts debouncing for GUI and BUI
suppress! true to suppress , false to enable #suppressWebDebouncing()
public void suppressGuiDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!)
When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.
Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in GUI context
By default this options is set to "1"
suppress! true to suppress , false to enablepublic void suppressWebDebouncing(BBjNumber suppress!)
When true then the executor will limit the rate at which executeScript gets invoked on the HTMLView.
Setting this to "0" will help to boost up the communication performance between BBj and the grid which lives inside the HTMLView in BUI & DWC context
By default this options is set to "0"
suppress! true to suppress , false to enablepublic void tabToNextCell()
Navigates the grid focus to the next cell, as if tabbing.
public void tabToPreviousCell()
Navigates the grid focus to the previous cell, as if shift-tabbing.
public void updateColumns()
Re-render the column definitions on the client.
The method will collect the new changes in columns and column groups and force the client to reflect the change.
public void updateContext()
Force the context object update
public void updateData(ResultSet rs!)
Feed the grid with a new ResultSet
Unlike the setData method, this one will update the grid with a new rows set(ResultSet) without doing a full re-render. The column definition will not be synced from the passed ResultSet in this case.
Use this method in case you want to replace the whole data in the grid at once. Please note that All row and range selection will be lost.
rs! ResultSet with the data setData()
public GxClientTransactionModel updateRow(DataRow row!)
Update row data
row! DataRow object which contains the updatepublic GxClientTransactionModel updateRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!)
Update row data
index! The Row indexDataRow
row! DataRow object which contains the update since version 0.101.0, BBjGridExWidget.updateRow(BBjNumber index!, DataRow row!) is deprecated. Use BBjGridExWidget.updateRow(DataRow row!) instead. The grid can work out the row index by its own